Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A glimpse into a moment of my day....

While riding in the car on the way home from Walmart, the following conversation took place.

Eli: Mommy?
Me: Yeah?
Eli: The windshield is on the outside of the window?
Me: (perplexed) What?


Me: Oh, you mean; Are the windshield wipers on the outside of the window?
Eli: Yeah
Me: Yes, they are
Eli: Why?
Me : Because they have to wipe the rain off the windshield and the rain is on the outside.
Eli: That Daddy put on?
Me: Yes, Daddy put the windshield wipers on.
Eli: Why?
Me: To keep the rain off.
Eli: Why?

Cute, right?

I know one day I will look back and miss these conversations. In fact, I can't help but chuckle as I am writing this now. However, in the moment, when I have heard "Mommy?" and "Why?" for the quadrillionth time in a matter of a few hours, my ears hurt, my head has a mild fuzziness to it and I am developing a crazy laugh because its better than yelling "Shut Up!!!" and intentionally smacking my head of the steering wheel.

Being a mommy of a curious toddler is hard work. Physically, his brother requires more. More carrying up and down stairs, more chasing, more keeping out of toilet bowls, trash cans and the ever enticing wine rack. Eli taps me out mentally. I struggle to keep up! It is the hardest job I have ever had. He asks questions I don't think I ever thought to ask and then remembers when I use delay tactics in hope that he will forget. Example: You can eat an entire bag of chocolate chips and I will play cars with you for the 50th time today, after we run our errands. Hey, look at the dump truck!!

They are both tremendous blessings.
Even amidst my mental tantrum, they make me smile inside.
They are also the best sleeping pills EVER.... except when they're not.

Meanwhile, Adam just drools and smiles and occasionally surprises me with what he is has absorbed. Today while singing "Old McDonald Had A Farm" Adam wiggled off the couch, and pulled the Old McDonald book out of the drawer. Coincidence or quiet genius?

They truly are blessings from God.

I struggle with trying to find quiet time throughout the day to sit with God. I get frustrated and feel like I am not doing what God wants from me if I don't. I struggle to remember his yolk is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:30).  I realize now, that God is in these noisy moments, wanting me to enjoy these boisterous, relentless blessings and meet with Him here.

He is in the sound of Eli's voice.
He is in Adam's grin.
He is with me, blessing me, in every moment of my life.

It's good to be loved.

And to sleep... its good to sleep, too.


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